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Ferrari 458 REPLICA Made From A Ford Cougar

Ferrari 458 REPLICA Made From A Ford Cougar

If you decide to give up the hunt of one day getting your hands on a genuinely crafted Italian exotic or simply need something to tide you over in the mean time, this Ford Cougar might just do the trick.

Now this Cougar isn’t just any car. In fact, this Ford is converted to look exactly like a Ferrari 458 Italia. Like the idea of a replica or not, to the untrained eye this looks exactly like a high end exotic car.

Check out the ride in the video below and tell us what differences you see between the replica and a true 458. We think that the first thing that should probably be addressed is the 2.5L engine that makes all of 168hp. That’s good for 0-60 in 8.6-seconds and a top speed of only 140mph. Ouch.

The car above might not be the Ferrari of your dreams, but hey it could always be worse.

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