Ferrari FXX-K vs FXX vs 599XX vs LaFerrari Racing SOUNDS!

Ferrari FXX-K vs FXX vs 599XX vs LaFerrari Racing SOUNDS!
When it comes to sounds that make your heart scream, look no further than Ferrari branded vehicles going pedal to the metal around the racetrack.
This time, it’s a Ferrari FXX-K, FXX, 599XX, and LaFerrari that are pounding out the notes that are music to our ears as they leave the apex of each and every turn.
Our only dilemma with this video is figuring out which of the Italian stallions sounds the best. That might be a question that’s truly unsolvable.
Check out the video of the cars having at it in the video below and provide us with some insight on which of these cars you think brings the best exhaust note to the table.
What happens when a LaFerrari squares off with a McLaren P1? Find out below.