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First start up in 30 years of a 1930 Packard Phaeton

When this old Packard was purchased in the USA, from the short story that we’re told, the car wasn’t in the greatest of condition but with a little bit of help, the Packard would be brought back up to speed with a little bit of paint and some mechanical care.

When the 1930 Packard Phaeton was acquired by the Packard & Pioneer Museum in Maungatapere, New Zeland, it underwent a slight restoration and after thirty years of being left to sit would be fired up once again. The result was pretty surprising.

You would think that a car that hadn’t been touched in three decades would be falling apart but this beast has withstood the test of time with most of its structure still in tact and many of the features still managing to work even after being left to sit without being touched.

Check out the video below that shows the car’s first start since the 80s. If you want to talk about a cold start. We’d think that this thing has had plenty of time to cool off!