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Florida Driver Caught By Helicopter Doesn’t Wait For Traffic

Typically, the shoulder on the side of the interstate is meant for cars and trucks on the road to have a relatively safe place to stop in case they experience trouble with their engine, unruly kids, or a blown tire, for example.

However, desperate drivers will just hop right onto the shoulder and drive as if it is their own personal travel lane, a maneuver that is not only illegal, but highly dangerous. Of course, if you’re about to be arrested and likely head to prison, you’r not really worried about legality or safety.

In the video below, which is just over a minute long, the driver spends far more time on the shoulder than he does in actual travel lanes. He’s being tailed by a helicopter and, while we don’t actually see them in the video, we have to assume there are police cruisers in pursuit as well. However this driver seems to care literally nothing about that, he’s just trying his best to shake the cruisers, which are quite some distance back, and likely hoping to somehow lose the helicopter as well, something we know to be a rare feat.

However, since this video ends without showing the driver being apprehended, we don’t really know exactly how things went down. Typically, news stations follow a pursuit like this until there is an arrest made, which makes it seem as if there’s a chance this guys managed to successfully slip away. With little to go on in the video and nothing in the description to help, we just have to go by what we see, and that is desperate, but reasonably safe and skilled driving.

Of course, the guy deserves to be arrested, even if whatever he did initially wasn’t that big a deal. Putting the lives of those on the road around you in danger is irresponsible and should be punished harshly.