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Ford Explorer has a Little Something Special in its Back Pocket at the Drag Strip

Machines of the drag strip come in all different shapes and forms. When you head out there to do a little bit of a test and tune, you really never know what you’re going to get. When it comes down to spending your money, no matter who you are, you can bet that the person with the dough going to spend it on exactly what it is that they enjoy. They did, after all, go out there and bust their rear end to earn it so it’s only natural that you pick something out that appeals to you. With that in mind, all of the different tastes across the scene can go through some pretty interesting combinations like the one that we see here.

In this case, on the surface, the machine would appear to be nothing more than a little old Ford Explorer. Having owned one of these things, I can say that they definitely provide a pretty good bang for your buck as a reliable vehicle that might have some nice features on board depending on how you have it optioned out. However, if you saw one at the drag strip, you might assume that the person behind the wheel is a beginner as they don’t typically go that fast while rolling down the racing surface. However, this particular Explorer really backs up what they say about assumptions.

Follow along in the video below that will give you a quick and stark reminder not to assume anything, especially not when you go to the drag strip. When this 4.0L Explorer was paired with a supercharger, it was game over as the truck would manage to figure out a way to crack its way into the high 12-second range in the quarter mile. Now, that’s not exactly blazing fast when you compared to some of the other cars that ran at the track that day but for the platform that you’re looking at here, I can guarantee you that it would sneak up on quite the fair amount of competitors to snatch a win!