Formula powerboat run aground early Sunday at Lake of the Ozarks, driver arrested
When out on the water, boating and booze always seem to find their way together, however, it is crucially important that the driver doesn’t mix the two together.
The owner of this 35-foot Formula powerboat, however, appears to have failed to heed that advice as he took his expensive floating investment and ran it aground.
The driver, who ran aground early Sunday morning at the 8-MM of the Main Channel in the Lake of the Ozarks, was investigated by the Missouri State Highway Patrol Water Division and, in turn, ended up being charged with “boating while intoxicated” and “failing to exercise highest degree of care in operating a watercraft resulting in an accident.”
The vessel that met land around 2:03 AM on a Sunday was said to have suffered extensive damage, however, the operator was able to walk away free of injury.
Perhaps boating without light present isn’t the greatest idea that this guy has ever had, either. It looks like it is going to cost him across a multitude of metrics.