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Furious Driver Jumped Into His Car And Reversed It Off The Back Of a Tow Truck

Furious Driver Jumped Into His Car And Reversed It Off The Back Of a Tow Truck

Having your car towed under any circumstance can be a bit stressful and embarrassing. As normal human beings, most of us can channel that stress and come up with an appropriate response to the situation at hand. The gentleman in this video is NOT one of those people.

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While many of us may put up a fuss about getting our vehicles towed, this guy takes the word frustrated to a whole new level. Instead of handling the situation like an adult he goes bonkers and drives the car off of the bed of the tow truck. It looks to us that he was successfully able to reverse out of the frame of the video, but the damage to the car goes untold. Here’s an idea… pay your parking tickets next time.
