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Gas Monkey Garage Responds to Roadkill Callout

Gas Monkey Garage Responds to Roadkill Callout

If you aren’t among the folks that partake in watching Roadkill on the internet, you might have missed the fact that they’ve been calling out Gas Monkey Garage for some time now.

Today, we have an answer for the guys that Richard Rawlings said “bitched the loudest” out of those looking to call out Gas Monkey and it looks like we have a nice little rivalry on our hands.

We’re not sure exactly what the race is going to look like yet, but Richard says his team will be ready to run in any capacity that Roadkill sees fit and for whatever wager they wish.

Check out all of what he has to say in the video below that has us ready to see this throwdown. Who is your money on in this bout?

This Lamborghini owner looks like he bit off a little more than he could chew!
