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Golden Gate Bridge Road Zipper in action at the tail end of its morning run

When you come across a roadway like that on top of the Golden Gate Bridge, some serious traffic needs to find its way through and that calls for some creative designing to make sure that it all flows smoothly.

With the help of some movable barriers, it all works out well but nobody is going to go out there and move those barriers by hand, that’s where the Road Zipper comes into play.

“The new Moveable Median Barrier (MMB) system is about 13,340 feet of 12-inch wide and 32-inch high steel clad units filled with high density concrete pinned together to form a semi-rigid median barrier. There are two barrier transfer machines, aka “zipper” trucks.”

Check out one of the trucks in action in the video below and tell us what you think of this attempt at making the bridge as efficient as humanly possible.