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Got Boost? – “The Sister” RC model Rat Rod Mini Tanker – Twin turbo V8

While they’re not functional, these turbocharger keychains make the perfect replica turbochargers for RC cars, and this video shows several tips and tricks for building accurate rat rod-style radio controlled model that pack a huge cool-factor impact.

The host, YouTuber cyanidetube, obviously has an extensive background in modeling and RC building, and he’s been so awesome as to share some of his tips and tricks. He finds inspiration in guys building full-size rat rods and posting the builds on YouTube. He’s refined his style and technique so well that he’s actually focusing on the lifelike details such as spark plug wires and the size of the turbochargers in relation to the engine, which is really when you know you’re hitting it out of the park.

Give it a listen and check out what he has planned for the keychains, one of which I have on my keyring at this very moment!