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Gunfire Rings Out at Chicago Car Meet… Is Anywhere Safe Anymore?

You know how things usually go. Once an event gets big enough, eventually the stupids will start to come in and one bad seed ruins the whole apple for everybody. With car meets, that’s generally how things work, unfortunately. At first, you’ll have a group of people who are just wanting to hang out and talk about cars but before long, someone who doesn’t think past what they’re doing in the current moment and has nothing better to do on a Friday night shows up and ends up trying to show off. Usually, more often than not, this ends with a little bit of trouble that will have the whole thing shut down. This time, that shut down just so happens to be a little bit more extreme than we are used to as this guy takes it to a whole new level.

Now normally, those bad apples that we’re talking about come in the form of people who are a little bit overzealous when it comes to blasting their stereo too loudly or doing burnouts, drawing attention from the wrong people. However, this guy doesn’t fall into that category at all as he pulls out his gun and really pumps up the negative attention for this car meet in Chicago. After a couple of shots fired straight up into the air, everyone is scattering and it really leaves this parking lot looking desolate.

The video shows the awful chain of events down below as one person with bad intentions ruined something that could’ve otherwise been a good event for those just trying to have a relaxing night. With something like this, you really have to scratch your head and wonder what it is that somebody is thinking. No matter what way you shape this, you really have to hope that the party responsible for this ugly action is held to be responsible and left to face the consequences. Hopefully, the people who were simply there minding their own business were able to re-congregate and find a better place to be. Seeing something like this is really unfortunate and you really have to wonder what makes people act like this.
