Guy Driving Recklessly in His BMW Has Us Waiting For Something Bad to Happen!

As you soon figure out after getting your license, there is a way that you should and should not drive out on the public roadways. If you’ve ever wondered why insurance is higher for younger kids, it’s because many of them have yet to develop the thought processes necessary to see why a display like this one is incredibly dangerous and why nobody should ever try to drive like this out on the streets.This guy really came incredibly closeToRunning himself and the others on the road in danger on multiple occasions all within a span of just a couple of minutes.
This guy really came incredibly close to putting himself and the others on the road in danger on multiple occasions, all within a span of just a couple of minutes. When you ask this driver what his version of a “spirited drive” is, apparently it consists of speeding around in traffic, bobbing and weaving in and out of cars and coming incredibly close to clipping other motorists. If the others in traffic were to move over at the wrong time, this guy would be sent flying along with whatever other poor victims would go with him.
Even if this guy was the best driver in the world, there’s no telling what could happen if someone else were to make a move that he didn’t have enough time to react to. In short, I think it is safe to say the driver is really lucky that a stunt like this didn’t end with an incredible consequence pinned on the tail end of it. At the end of the day, you live and you learn but this is certainly not something that the driver is going to get away with doing for much longer.
The video below showcases the incredibly dangerous display of driving as the BMW comes mere feet from other people who never even saw it coming. Be sure to check it out and chime in with what you think of how this driving display went.