Guy Isn’t Happy About Parking Ticket, Pays Entirely in Loose Change
When you get a fine for any sort of infraction, it can be rather infuriating. Some of the violations that you’ll get a fine for might make sense to you and you could just realize that you were in the wrong and go about paying a normal way. However, other times, such violations could be incredibly frustrating, leaving you wonder why it is that you’ve been subjected to such a situation. After thinking through it, most of the time, people either just pay the fine and try to avoid the situation in the future or potentially even taken to court and try to get the ruling changed. It seems like this man had an entirely different outlook on how to handle his problem, though.
No, the man wasn’t about to get violent or do any sort of outrageous protest in the streets, however, his version of protesting was just as mind-boggling to take a look at. Instead of paying the fine and cutting his losses, he would lean to the side of taking a form of petty revenge, taking his payment to the teller, except it wasn’t in credit card format or even in paper money format. Instead, he decided to take the payment for what was said to be a parking ticket to the teller consisting entirely of loose change. It’s a strategy that has some people incredibly angry as it wasn’t exactly this teller’s fault that he had gotten a ticket or was forced to pay it and others are cheering him along as he takes on the situation on in probably the most outrageous way that he can.
If you follow along in the video below, you’ll be able to see the interaction for yourself as both the teller who was forced to handle it and the security guard on hand didn’t seem to be too enthused about how he decided to deal with the issue. After seeing how entire thing went down, be sure to tell us what you think of doing something like paying for a fine entirely in change to make a point of it all.