Guy Works Magic, Turns 2 Hex Nuts Into Gorgeous 1ct Diamond Ring

In a day and age where things are mass produced and even mass customized so that everybody can get exactly what they want within a matter of the time that it takes to click a mouse and have someone drop it in the mail to be at your doorstep within a day or two, it can be easy to forget to appreciate the pieces of work that takes a lot of investment in both time and energy to make happen. There are beautiful things being crafted every day by hand that hold such a value that I’m not sure a machine crafted object ever could.
When this video came to our attention, we were certainly glad to have had it cross our desks here at Speed Society. If there’s anybody who could appreciate somebody who is out there creating things with their own two hands, I would venture to think it would be the car community. In this one, YouTuber, Pablo Cimadevila is challenged to take a couple of everyday objects and transform them into works of art. This time, the task at hand is one that might even involve a couple of things that you might have in your very own garage. With his labor of love, he transforms these otherwise mundane objects into something incredibly one-of-a-kind.
By following along with the video below, viewers will find quite the treat as a pair of hex nuts are shaven down and combined in such a way as to create the ring and setting for a one-carat diamond. Sure, the materials used within this creation might not hold the market value of a traditional platinum or gold ring, however, the sentimental value here has to be off the charts and that might be something that’s worth even more, perhaps even invaluable.