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Hard Impact Turns Into Fire as Race Gets Out of Control

During any given race, it’s hard to realize as a spectator, sometimes, but there are certainly a lot of things going on out there beyond simply knowing how to take turns just right way in order to get the best times. When it comes to other drivers being on the same surface as you and no one wanting to give up that space, things can get rather intense as all those cars moving at high rates of speed can really create a pressure cooker of a situation should something go off the rails. Unfortunately, that situation isn’t always a rarity as you sometimes have to watch bad accidents unfold right in front of your eyes and hope that everything pans out alright.

Unfortunately, this time just that situation unfolded as a couple of drivers in the Continental Tire SportsCar Challenge at Road Atlanta were competing for a spot, when it would appear as if one of the drivers who wasn’t on the lead lap was going to pull out of the way for another driver who was in contention.

However, it seems like the two really didn’t end up getting on the same page with one another as one driver, Craig Lyons, would be sent into the wall incredibly hard. From there, parts would be sent everywhere and the car would go up in flames but the worst was yet to come as the stopped vehicle would be clobbered by yet another car as somehow, Russell Ward would also lose control.

At the end of it all, both drivers do appear to have been alright but this was definitely a scary set of circumstances that lead to what we saw on screen here. Thankfully, the safety equipment and crews appeared to have done their jobs incredibly effectively, otherwise, you never know what could have gone down. The destruction of the cars definitely had to be a sore spot for all of those involved in the incident, however, I guess that, at the end of the day, it’s all just part of racing, right?