Hats of to That Police Officer… Best Robbery Chase Ever!

Before you inundate us with comments about this footage being sped up, let me say now that I am very well aware. It was obvious to me literally from the first few seconds that this clip was doctored, and if I had any doubts at all, they were erased at the end when you can hear the officer speaking. You aren’t catching us in some kind of scheme to push this off as real, so save yourself the typing.
What I did notice about this footage is that even if you played it at regular speed, this officer does a masterful job of keeping his bike hot on the heels of this fleeing perpetrator, exhibiting some masterful control while maintaining a high rate of speed. As the criminal flees, the officer does an amazing job of matching him move for move, literally almost to the point of looking like a rehearsed Hollywood chase scene at times.
Also, although I don’t condone running from the police in any way, shape, or form, I have to give the guy in the lead some props for handling his bike like a champ as well. He certainly made the officer earn this arrest with his riding.
Both of these guys pull some pretty bold moves, splitting lanes and slipping between cars and buses (when you watch the clip, you’ll see what I’m talking about) and whipping around some tight curves and through some narrow gaps. Both manage to make it look almost effortless at times, and sometimes they appear to be on the verge of losing control, but manage to keep the bikes shiny side up.
Finally, the speeding suspect appears to come to the realization that he’s just not going to get away, coming to a halt and dropping his bike. The officer cuffs him and begins the arrest procedure as the video comes to an end. If you watch this footage and your heart doesn’t race just a little bit, maybe you need to take a look at what you’r doing with your life! This is awesome stuff!