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Helicopter pilots with major skills! Incredible landings, takeoffs, aerobatics and flybys

Just like with anything else in this world, hopping behind the controls of a helicopter and mastering it takes practice on top of practice on top of practice.

In this little compilation of clips, we check out some pilots who seem to have practiced to the max as they put their helicopter skills on display for all of us to see.

From incredible takeoffs and landings to aerobatics that have these guys flying upside down, the folks controlling these aerial monsters have immense amounts of ability.

In order to get most of these demonstrations down, there had to be tons of hours invested into honing this craft that leaves all who spectate it in amazement.

Check out the video below that might just show you some maneuvers of the helicopter that you never even thought were possible. Would you dare to ride along with one of these wild pilots?

