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Hennessey tests their HPE800 supercharged Cadillac Escalade, track & dyno testing

It takes a true gear head to understand the appeal of taking a $70,000+ luxury SUV in the 2016 Cadillac Escalade and stripping it down to do some go fast upgrades.

While many might look at such a sequence of events as mind boggling and not really see the point, we most definitely can feel the appeal in every single vein of our being.

In this one, we check out such an Escalade that Hennessy Performance got their hands on and sculpted with what they call their HPE800 package, adding a supercharger to the mix to bump the power up.

In the video below, you can check out what just about any performance enthusiasts would consider a dream SUV as it gets beat on via throttle abuse!

Check out the video below as the Escalade is wheeled around in a series of speed tests and thrown onto the chassis dyno as well to give you an idea of what you can expect with such a package.