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Hit and Run From Hell… Camaro Slams into Prius Then Runs!

When it comes to growing up and being an adult, you start to learn more and more every day how to be accountable for your own actions. Even if you end up in a place where you might feel like the bad guy or happen to get into some hot water, the mature thing to do is to take responsibility for what you did if you messed up. At the end of the day, you will eventually be able to recover from your mistake and learn from it as do not make the same mistake in the future.

In this one, we check out somebody who doesn’t really seem to have very much accountability in their repertoire as the early to mid 90s Chevrolet Camaro they were driving comes barreling into the vision of a security camera, sliding out of control while in the frame of the camera, and colliding with a parked Toyota Prius. This isn’t where the debauchery ends, however, as the events that happened next might just make your blood boil.

Instead of hanging around or leaving a note on the windshield of the Prius, from what the people behind this video tell us, the owner decided to simply bail out on the scene, leaving his car behind and passing the problem onto the victim who owns the damaged property. That most certainly is never how you want to conduct yourself and we would hope that the responsible party at hand here would be tracked down to pay for the carnage caused by their actions.

If you want to see the entire scene unfold for yourself, you can check out the clip down below that takes you on location as this driver simply loses control and takes off from the scene of the accident. This most certainly isn’t the first time that something like this has happened but maybe with this video evidence, it can help one case to get a little bit of closure and prevent folks from thinking about this option in the future.