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Homemade Wooden Go-Kart For Under $100 Dollars.

For plenty of us, we want to have the fun that we see everybody else has. However, sometimes, we need to make that happen on a budget. Sure, when watching YouTube, there’s a lot of fall in love with. Everything from high horsepower race cars to custom go-karts exists on the platform. However, it’s also important to note that not everybody has pockets overflowing with cash. In turn, not everybody has unlimited fabrication experience, either. With that in mind, there still are some concepts that can be executed upon with minimal experience. Some of them won’t have that big of an impact on the bank account, either.

This time, we take a look at a go-kart that doesn’t really seem to match the characteristics of many others. Instead of having a metal frame, this thing is constructed completely from wood. The effort seems to proceed with the aim of having the previously mentioned low cost and low effort means of having fun. Some of the things can get rather expensive so constructing something like this from such materials could end up paying off big-time. If someone is going to break out a little bit of elbow grease and determination, something like this shouldn’t be too bad to complete.

By following along with the Build Break Repeat video below, we get up close and personal with this DIY go-kart build that is sure to turn heads with minimal effort. There’s no welding involved or anything like that. Instead, a drill and a couple of basic tools should be able to make this one come to life. In addition to being a pretty neat end product, this one could definitely be a kid and parent project that’s worth the squeeze. Just imagine your son or daughter’s sense of accomplishment after completing something like this!