Homeowner Pulls Gun To Stop New Electric “Smart” Meter From Being Installed

Many electric companies are installing “smart meters” on citizen’s homes, but not all citizens are comfortable with the change. Many homeowners say the meters reveal too much information about their electrical usage, information that homeowners believe should be private since it involves how they choose to live behind closed doors.
This particular homeowner was so adamant about not having a smart meter installed that, after trying to physically block the utility company worker from installing it and being pushed aside, she grabbed her gun to “encourage” him to leave her property. While we have to assume many of you consider that an extreme reaction, she did post signs around her property warning that she would not allow installation of the new meter.
Besides being intrusive, the new meters have caused the loss of hundreds of jobs for meter readers, since they transmit their data back to the utility company wirelessly. All in all, these meters seem like a lose-lose, with the only quantifiable benefit being more data for the utility company and faster information gathering. It seems this homeowner may have the right idea, as others in her area have taken similar stances on the smart meter installations.