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Hotel Valet Crashes Lamborghini Gallardo

In this video we see a  valet crashing a Lamborghini Gallardo. There is an Estimated 330+k of damage, we think this guy is fired!

According to Huffpost  “A hotel valet got a crash course in how not to park a pricey sports car last Thursday when he banged around a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder in a scene that was caught on video. The closed-circuit footage shows Arun Kumar driving the Lamborghini through the busy valet area of the Le Meridien hotel in New Delhi.

“As the car approaches other vehicles, it pauses. Then, suddenly, the Lamborghini accelerates, ramming into another vehicle. That car spins away from the force of the impact while the Lamborghini continues forward until it hits a cement barrier and finally comes to a stop.”



The car’s owner claims the vehicle is worth nearly half a million dollars due to the steep cost of importing it, and estimates the damage at just over $330,000.

He also claims the hotel is trying to avoid paying to repair it and has filed a police report as a result, the Times said.


The hotel calls it an accident.

“We get all kind of luxury cars, important guests and hold outstanding events and this was something completely inadvertent,” a hotel spokeswoman told AFP.

It wasn’t just the car that was damaged; Kumar suffered a head injury in the accident. Although the valet was released from the hospital the same day, some of his other wounds may run a little deeper.


“We have given him leave until such time that he recovers psychologically and till the time that the insurance claim and other processes clear through,” the spokeswoman told AFP. “We may not put him back on valet. We will give him time because he may get nervous initially.”

“The car had been parked by valets a number of times before,” Nipun Mglani, a friend of the car’s owner, Abid Fateh Mohammed Khatri, told the Times of India. “Even that afternoon, the valet took the car to the parking safely and even brought it back to the porch area without any hassles.

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