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How 1 Guy Survived at the Bottom of the Ocean for 3 Days… Alone

There are a lot of irrational fears in this world. However, we would say that one fear that is completely justified is that of open water. As it turns out, the majority of the ocean has remained undiscovered until this point in time. In other words, if you were to dive down to the bottom of the ocean in a random spot, there’s a very good chance that you might be the first-ever person to explore that area.

Because of all of the open and unknown, boats and people go missing out in the ocean all the time. In some cases, entire airplanes even find a way to go missing out in the abyss.

This time, we tune with the story of one individual by the name of Harrison Odjegba Okene who seemed to defy all odds and had what the creator behind this particular piece says was his luckiest and unluckiest experience all wrapped up in one.

Back in 2019, Okene was doing his job as a cook on a tugboat. This tugboat was working late at night about 32 km off of the coast of Nigeria with the goal of stabilizing an oil tanker. However, a rogue wave would come out of nowhere, flipping over that tug boat and snapping the rope that had it attached to the tanker.

With that, the tug would make its way to the bottom of the ocean, trapping occupants inside as most of the crew were locked in their cabins as a safety precaution against pirates. As it turns out, this is not the ideal situation for a sinking ship.

Fortunately for our hero, he was in a bathroom at the time and able to move about through the vessel. Even though he wouldn’t be able to escape before the tugboat sank, he did manage to locate an air pocket to restrategize. Almost naked in the freezing cold water 100 ft beneath the surface with no food, drinkable water, or even light, it seemed like Okene was doomed. When combined with a quickly depleting oxygen supply, things definitely weren’t looking good.

Down in the video below from RealLifeLore, we get to take a whirl inside the story, exploring exactly how this situation ended with an incredible result for one man who looked death in the face and walked away with life.

Moment divers find man alive in a sunken ship off the Nigerian coast.

Harrison Okene Rescued From Sunken Boat Talks About Ordeal.