How Fast Can You Do an Engine Swap? These Guys Did It In 42 Seonds! (Yes, For Real!)
When you really get into mechanical types of work under the hood of your car, it could end up being a lot more complicated than you had originally anticipated. There are a lot of times where you might get into a job that you thought would take a couple hours but ended up taking a couple days. I guess that, inversely, things might sometimes actually be easier than what you originally thought they would be. Instead of taking a couple of days, perhaps it only takes a day or two. However, when it comes to something like an engine swap, I think that most people agree that it’s something that will take a few hours, at a bare minimum and maybe even longer!
This time, however, we check out some people who take this rather complicated job and make it look like something that doesn’t really need to have a lot of attention paid to it as they kind of take what other people have accomplished and put it to shame, simply managing to take that three hours that it would take to normally swap an engine in this car and chopping it into a fraction of its original self. Instead of taking days, hours, or even minutes, these guys managed to accomplish it in an even shorter period of time.
If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to watch the engine swap from the Royal Marines as they’re able to carry it out in a simple 42-second span. Sure, they had this all planned out and definitely had a blueprint to go about figuring out how to do it and perhaps the car was a little bit prepared for the whole thing to take place but being able to watch this in any capacity is incredibly impressive if you ask us.