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How not to load a Lamborghini onto a tow truck

When you operate a tow truck, towing any and every car should be handled with the utmost care, no matter what kind of car is at hand.

When you’re pulling along a supercar like a Lamborghini Gallardo, it’s very important that you tow it in the proper way as do not do damage to the car.

When this Lamborghini was illegally parked in the streets of Cannes, the police officers clearly wanted to make the park job into a statement by towing the illegally parked car.

Now, we aren’t saying that just because this guy has a supercar that he should be exempt to the laws by any means, but just watching the situation really forces us to cringe.

Check out the video below that shows how the towing of such an exotic car was handled and comment on what you think of this whole ordeal.