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How To Bake a Cake With a Jet Car

When you get your thrills strapped to the front of a jet engine like Elaine Larsen, Kat Redner and the rest of the Larsen Motorsports team, you tend to step outside the box for just about everything else too.

When Kat’s 21st birthday rolled around recently, she and Elaine decided to put Kat’s jet car to work and use it to bake Kat’s birthday cake! What could possibly go wrong when it comes to using a 5,000 horsepower jet engine to not-so-delicately bake a cake? Well… unfortunately for the Larsen Crew’s taste buds, everything!

Elaine and Kat whip up the batter in the team’s Palm Bay, Florida shop before moving out to the parking lot, where a crowd of onlookers gathered to watch Kat suit up in her dragster and fire up the monster J-85 engine that would, at least for the day, serve as the worlds loudest, fastest and most ridiculous oven!

Placing the cake behind the 1,350 pound earthbound rocketship, Kat fired up the turbine and threw the fuel to it, sending a massive fireball rearward toward the poor, unsuspecting cake mix. She roasted the cake with a plume of flames, then gave it a quick “broil” by kicking the afterburner a few times, the force of the blast sending the cake tumbling yards away from the engine’s outlet.

After giving it a few moments to cool for for Kat to climb from her car, Elaine and the birthday girl decided to taste test their creation, finding that, as you might expect, a few seconds of jet car baking is a few seconds too many.

The cake was toast, literally and figuratively, but the party was a success, as all involved had a great time celebrating Miss Redner’s big number 21! Check out all the fun that goes on at Larsen Motorsports on their Facebook and Instagram and check back here, as we plan to keep an eye on these guys now that we know how much fun they have!