How to Check and Test Your Coolant/Antifreeze
When it comes to maintaining your car, most people say that they have the basics down. I feel like, in the majority of American households, there is someone who knows how to change the oil, make sure the tires are up to par, and do other basic maintenance items that will ensure that your driving experience is a safe one. However, if you’re looking to improve the longevity of your car and keep it around for a little bit longer, there are some other items that you might want to look into in order to make sure that you car keeps operating at a cool temperature. Your cooling system isn’t one that you want to fail. You can trust us there.
As you have probably deduced by now, changing the coolant is what we’re talking about here. It most certainly is one of those things that tends to get overlooked by most people behind the wheel and, we think that it’s really something that should be paid more attention to. Perhaps, it’s not getting overlooked because people are ignoring it but instead because people don’t know that they actually have to change out their antifreeze every couple of years. However, there is definitely a point where all fluids will break down and should be replaced.
Today, we follow along with a video from Chris Fix as he gives us the rundown on what to look for with your coolant when you go to check it out and make sure that it’s still in the right condition to be cooling your car or truck. It might seem like a small detail but, when you think about it, all of the small details that make up a car come together to form one bigger picture that could have you smiling all the way to the bank because of all of the money that you saved on the repairs that are sure to come if you don’t make sure to do basic maintenance items like these on a regular basis.