How To Make a “TESLA” Capacitor and Lightning With Coke Bottles

When YouTube’s very own “King of Random” gets to work, there is no telling what’s going to come of one of his experiments when it hits the video sharing site and we’re all left to tune in to what exactly it is that he’s sharing this time, leading us on a little tour of a scientific wonderland that dives into creating a homemade Tesla capacitor bank out of nothing more than a couple of Coke bottles and some simple materials that you’d find in just about any home. The results are incredibly cool to watch but personally, that’s about where it’s going to stop for us. I’m not sure if I’d recommend trying this one out at home! It looks rather sketchy.
In this one, we get to tune in as a couple of bottles are wrapped up in aluminum foil and filled up with salt water and a probe before being put to the test to see how exactly they can change the electrical flow. It definitely something that’s beyond my pay grade, but it certainly does create an interesting display nonetheless. It’s incredibly amazing what can be accomplished with simple things that you might find laying around when you combine them with a thirst for knowledge and need to see what can be accomplished with said knowledge.
Check out the video down below as the King of Random takes us on yet another scientific journey to make a simple version of a more complex device. Be sure to chime in and tell us what you think of such an experiment and what kind of scientific exploration you’d like to see next out of this YouTube channel. Our host here seems to have a pretty diverse bank of knowledge so the possibilities are really endless with what different theories could be tested out!