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How to Polish Wheels and Fix Curb Rash Without Leaving Your Garage

When we modify our vehicles, this modification is just where the effort begins. Even if we can ever “finish” modifying, the maintenance is sure to follow. Everything from power adders to custom wheel setups need to be maintained in some capacity to keep their luster.

In the day and age of dropping thousands of dollars on custom wheel setups, there is a whole sort of education that goes alongside ownership. After all, soap and water are only going to get you so far. Instead, other steps can be taken to make sure that these high dollar investments are kept in the highest quality possible.

Knowing what you’re doing when polishing wheels can certainly go a long way. Doing this the proper way can preserve the finish and give owners a product to be proud of. It will make sure that those wheels that cost a pretty penny are going to look as good years from now as they do today.

What happens if you’re in a situation where you messed your wheels up, though? Perhaps not paying attention got the best of you. Before you know it, a curb is digging in deep and slapping curb rash around the edge of a wheel. This is something that you can feel in your soul. Depending on how bad it is, this is actually a situation that might be able to be fixed at home.

This time, we follow along with YouTuber, Lacey Blair. With this feature, she gives us her own DIY on how to take care of wheels that need some love. Between polishing and fixing curb rash, some of these tips are definitely useful to keep in the tool belt. You never know when you might come head-to-head with a situation where the integrity of your wheel setup is in peril!
