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How to Spot a Police Imposter, Show This to Your Loved Ones

If there’s one thing that you most certainly will want to avoid when out on the road, that thing is a police imposter. It might seem like a pretty improbable occurrence but should such a situation plop itself in your lap, you might find yourself in a scary heap of trouble.

While people like this go through some serious lengths to trying disguise themselves as police officers, there are some things that you can do to protect yourself and watch out for these kinds of people because you really never know what they are going to try and pull on you.

From the positioning of the lights to the proper identification that every police officer should have on them, this video might just help you if you get pulled over and things just don’t seem to quite add up the way that they should in a normal traffic stop situation.

Check out the video down below that will take you through a whole series of helpful tips that could help you stay safe out there. A person impersonating a police officer is a part of a situation that nobody really wants to be a part of and you should be aware that they’re out there!