How Well Do Average People Know The True Rules of the Road?

It usually just takes a quick trip on the road to realize that most people treat the rules of the roads as suggestions than actual rules, putting their own loose interpretation on things to fit their driving style. However, it turns out that you may not know all of the rules yourself, as many of them are just plain easy to forget after a few years of not needing to call up on them daily. This video takes a look at some of the common mis-rememberings of the rules that plague drivers out there on a daily basis, also giving us a great look at how some driver’s seem to be certain that they’re right about the rules when they’re clearly not.
This quick street interview from CBS 4 News Rio Grande Valley shows just how common it is to run across drivers who don’t know as much about the rules of the road as they think they do, or as much as they should. One big one that surprised me personally was motorists not knowing the correct procedure for when an emergency vehicle pulls behind or alongside you on the roadway. For those who don’t know, they correct course of action is to slow and pull to the right and stop when it’s safe to do so. This gives the emergency vehicles a clear lane to operate quickly and free of impeding traffic, but if you watch people on the road, and in this interview, it’s pretty clear people either have the wrong idea, or what’s worse, it seems many don’t even realize that they are supposed to get out of the way at all.
That’s just one of the topics discussed with these drivers, but if you want to see the rest of the interview, you have to hit that play button and see what kind of wrong answers these drivers have for the interviewer. Maybe we should grab a camera and a mic and hit the streets of San Diego and see what the motorists here can come up with for questions like these.