If “Real People” Commercials Were Real Life – Chevy Malibu Ad
Sometimes, there are commercials out there that feature what automotive brands claim to be real people and some of the things that they say really leave you wondering how true those claims are. We aren’t calling these advertisers liars per se but some of the folks really seem oblivious to just about everything out there in the real world.
As a result, when such advertisements pop up, you’ll probably have people who choose to go along with the idea and believe it while there’s a whole other group who simply can’t wrap their mind how some people really react like this. The creator of this video falls into the latter by a large margin.
In this hilarious comedy skit that takes one of the Chevrolet commercials featuring what they claim to be real people, the guy behind this video inserts himself into the ad as Mahk, a very exaggerated Bostonian that throws a little bit of brutal honesty and his hardcore opinion into the mix.
This is one of those demonstrations that you really have to see for yourself to appreciate and if you have anywhere near the same sense of humor as I do, you’ll find yourself laughing all the way through this one from beginning to end. Even as somebody who would definitely identify as a Chevrolet fan, I think that this parody is pretty on point!