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If you Buy a Telsa Now, it Might be Old Technology within a Year – What to Watch For

If if it’s a cell phone, computer, or something of the like, when you purchased it, you were willing to the deal with the expectation of that technology would only be the most relevant for maybe a couple of years tops. In many cases, an electronic item is almost outdated before you even unwrap it when you get back to your house, or at least sometimes it tends to seem that way with how rapidly they pump these things out these days.

On the flipside, as as recently as a decade ago, when you had invested your hard earned money in a vehicle, you probably expected that vehicle to have a considerable shelflife without too many “major hardware” revisions coming anytime soon. It was a car with four wheels that you could drive to and from your destination. Many folks have been known to hang on to their method of transportation for 10 years if not longer, depending on how long the car lasts.

However, with the line between technology and transportation becoming more and more blurry with each and every day, it seems like things are moving away from having the latest and greatest for the foreseeable future when you buy a new car. The guys at Tech Crunch managed to dig up some info that argued that with companies like Tesla, that are at the forefront of innovation, vehicles are evolving at a rate that’s faster than ever and that might mean that if you want to stay on the cutting edge, you’d better be willing to open up your wallet more frequently.

It’s no secret back a company like Tesla has had success based off of its ability to innovate and innovate it does. The rapid pace of this innovation even has people who decided to invest in one of their vehicles a little bit testy, claiming that the company should retrofit their technology so that the folks who just recently purchased a newer car would have access to some of the improvements that are released shortly thereafter, sometimes only months after the purchase. Basically, the customers who are willing to pay to have their vehicles retrofitted to support some of the newer features, most notably the implementation and upgrades of the self-driving systems, are simply out of luck. In a direct tweet by Elon Musk, he says that “Tesla will never stop innovating. People are buying the wrong car if they expect [retrofitting]. There will be major revs every 12 to 18 months.” He then continued, in another tweet that, if the company were to open up an assembly line with the aim of doing retrofitting to bring the older models into the future that it would seriously cause major drag on the innovation process and with a company like this, that simply can’t happen.

As of now, it looks like maybe it will be in your best interest to not head out right away and invest six-figures of your hard earned money in the price tag associated with a brand-new car. Perhaps, in the not so distant future, we will begin to see aftermarket retrofitting companies popping up to provide you with every bell and whistle that you could possibly desire in your late model Tesla.