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If You Smoke at a Gas Station, it Will End Poorly For You! Smoker Extinguished At Gas Station!

There are some things you just shouldn’t do, especially if there are multiple signs warning you it’s a bad or dangerous idea. Of course, for each of us who heed those warnings, there’s probably a dozen or more who stare at them with a blank expression while continuing to do whatever they please.

When that happens, however, there just might be a vigilant citizen nearby, one who is willing to take things into his own hands and address the situation, often in the most direct manner possible. One of those aforementioned warnings would be not smoking at or near a gas pump. It takes very little cranial computing power to put together the fact that fire and gasoline are an incredibly dangerous combination. One of the easiest way to not destroy your own car, the cars of others parked nearby fueling, and even the gas station itself is to put out your butt before you step out of the car and into the potential fume cloud.

The guy in this video clearly doesn’t care at all about warning signs and steps from his car with cigarette in hand. While there’s no evidence that the guy has any intention of starting a fire, you can never be too careful when combining all of these factors. The course of action is plotted out quickly as it’s quite ridiculous and awesome all at the same time. Another patron nearby sees the driver smoking and walks over to the fire extinguisher and grabs it, pulling the safety pin and unleashing the contents up on the smoker, covering the guy and his car with the powdery white contents.

We then see the smokers fellow occupants crawl from the car, obviously bothered by the substance as well. While it seems at first there may be as standoff between the parties, it looks as though tempers subside and the individuals all walk away.
