In This Diesel Class, They Teach You How To Deal With a Runaway, 12v Cummins Style
Every once in a while, while browsing the internet and looking up videos of your favorite diesel powered vehicles, you will come across something that’s called a runaway, basically when an engine freaks out, getting overwhelmed by fuel and air to the point where it revs out of control, leaving the people around it in a panic as they try to cut off the supply of oxygen in order to shut down the engine and start over once again, trying to locate the source of the problem before they fire it up the next time.
This time, we drop in on a technical class, showing you exactly that moment where the class would be learning a little bit about a 12 valve Cummins diesel engine, when all of a sudden, the engine would go absolutely berserk, leaving the entire class to get thrown into a frenzy, trying figure out how exactly they would stop the engine before it revolved out of control and ended up blowing up. The solution was a simple one, however, it took a minute to put in place as, in a moment of panic like that, sometimes, you need a minute to get your bearings about you before you can figure out how to solve your problem.
If you follow along in the video below, you’ll be able to see exactly what happened when this engine would go out of control, running away, and looking like there was no solution in sight before somebody would run up to it with a cover, shutting off the air flow and choking the engine so that it would stall. It’s not really clear if this all this was all planned or not, or even if you could do something like this on purpose, however, it seems like the students got a little bit of a lesson in how exactly to handle themselves in a situation like this in the workplace or under the hood of their own rides.