Incredible Sounding F-35 Jets Flying The Mach Loop, Wales.

If you have never seen the Mach Loop in person or on a video, you’re truly missing out on some of the most intense flying action that the world has to offer. There’s nothing quite like being near a fighter jet while it’s flying by at full tilt and there aren’t many places where you have the chance to do that.
With a collection of natural features, pilots are left to navigate through the hills in such a way that provides a show for any spectator who dares to watch when they dip and dive through the natural obstacles and really put their skills to the test, putting on a show for the crowd.
In this one, we check out a video from YouTuber, bobsurgranny, who was brave enough to get really close to the action and, as we’ve come to expect, he really captured some top notch action that almost puts you right in the cockpit alongside the pilots!
Check out the high-intensity action in the video below that will take you to the front row of this insane fighter jet show as these guys rip through the mountains and b sure to tell us what you think of this point of view that doesn’t really get too much closer!