Is Buying A Inflatable Spray Booth From China Worth It? Debunked!

With the glory of all of the information that we have available to us at our fingertips, the internet has really spawned a whole variety of DIY projects. Let’s be honest, if it weren’t for those YouTube tutorials, a lot of us wouldn’t be doing work to our vehicles, around the house, or anything else for that matter that would have traditionally require professional. However, with a little bit of courage and the right advice from a friendly stranger online, sometimes, lots of money can be saved and we can stretch our dollar along with our ability further than it has ever gone before.
When following along with a YouTuber like Samcrac, we even begin to pick up a couple of tips that we might integrate into our very own garage. As he goes through comprehensive breakdowns on how to purchase salvage vehicles and even a little bit about how he fixes up his own cars, there’s a lot to be absorbed that could end up being pretty helpful. This time, the helpful bout of information comes in the review of a tool that, while it might not be common, could definitely be the difference between a good paint job and one with flaws.
By following along with the clip below, we take a ride along as an inflatable spray booth is introduced to Sam’s collection of goodies. In the review, he tells us that bugs have been a major problem for him and have stood in the way of getting the finish with his paint that he so desires. However, hopefully, with this simple tool, Sam might be able to bridge that gap. Perhaps, for those watching at home, such a contraption might help them out as well. This is why we always want to find the right tool for the job as to make that finished product as good as possible.