Insane Diesel Powered Nova at Lights Out 8 Runs a 5.14 With an Open Parachute!

Sometimes when it comes to racing, you’d be surprised to find that many times, the center of attention isn’t all about who is going the fastest. While that might sound contradictory to the point of drag racing and while being the fastest around most certainly won’t hurt you, you simply can’t help but pinpoint your focus on a machine like this one.
This time, we check out a car that is about as clean as they come and features an engine setup that is really unlike many that you’ve ever seen before. Sure, you might have seen a diesel engine plopped into a classic before but I can almost guarantee you that you’ve never seen one run like this.
I suppose that the guy behind the wheel of this Chevrolet Nova decided that the diesel under the hood needed a little bit more of a load on it to get those turbos operating at capacity. Therefore, he decided that after getting up on the trans brake, he would throw the parachute out immediately after launching the car with the aim of putting that load on the turbo, contrary to what anybody would think would work.
However, the car still managed to run its rear end off, clocking in with a 5.14-second pass. That wouldn’t be the fastest pass in the class or even in this race but it still is nothing to scoff at, especially when you consider the fact that the car had all of that extra drag weighing on it. Be sure to check out the Cummins diesel-powered old school muscle car in action as this thing brings you a setup that’s truly one-of-a-kind.