Insane “Pearl Bomb” Plastidip Paint Job Comes to Life

As the days go on and the world of automobiles keeps only evolving, it turns out that the coatings that we surround our cars and trucks with are also changing day to day. Sure, straight out of the box, cars might look relatively the same over the years but as a reality would have it, even these factory finishes that would appear to be the same have different ingredients that might make them shine differently, have a different kind of glare when the sun hits them, or last longer even if you’re not the type of person who is incredibly knowledgeable about taking care of your paint which is a science in and of itself.
Even beyond the factory, it turns out that the aftermarket support for changing the color of your vehicle is also growing each and every day. Over the last couple of years, vinyl wraps have become more popular and the trend of using plastidip to concoct all sorts of different colors has been proving to be an industry that is to be respected in automotive finishes.
The whole Plastidip trend may have might’ve started out from spray cans filled with only satin black as your one and only option, however, these days, there are all sorts of different colors, metallics, and even pearls that you can mix together to come up with whatever concoction of coloring and finish that your heart desires.
If you check out the video below, a company called “Dip Your Car” has really been going insane with trying to develop this form of changing up the color, doing their diligence to make finishes that stand out from the crowd in a big way and this time, we think that they really killed it by doing what they call a “Pearl Bomb,” essentially taking the powdered pearls that you’re supposed to mix into the liquid dip and randomly throwing them at a car to create a piece of art.
We were actually pretty sad to see this one have to get peeled off.