Jesse James Makes TV Return, Takes Shots at Reality TV industry

Back in the heyday, when the wars between Jesse James and the guys over at Orange County Choppers were running wild, we were all glued to our television sets to see what would happen between Jesse and the Teutuls as they went back and forth on live television, holding nothing back in this cutthroat world where they would build machines to go up against one another and it ended up getting a lot more personal than you might imagine. While people would scream that much of it was scripted, personally, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that it made for some truly great television that many these days try to live up to.
While those days are long gone, Jesse James has managed to hang around a little bit with Outlaw Garage, a dependable Discovery Channel series that has had quietly ripped off a five-year swing on air and is still running strong, quite impressive when you consider how quickly a lot of shows are here and gone. However, it does appear as if James is soon to have himself tied up in another series that goes by the name of the Paley-James Project. The idea is to combine forces with renowned sculpture artist Albert Paley, to make two sculptures. Each James and Paley will start one sculpture and hand it off to the other to finish. When two people don’t communicate and just create art individually yet, in some fashion, together, the results are bound to be interesting.
The whole promo behind the show also integrates an underlying theme of getting kids into doing this sort of trade work, promoting an industry that really has lots of value to offer in creating jobs that James says are bound to give people self-worth and a good day of pay.
Furthermore, James talks about the show saying that, “I’m getting pretty excited about this PBS show,” continuing that “It’s also great to do some TV with no “man made” drama and being able to express my true feelings about what I love.” Sounds like he’s taking a few parting shots at former reality TV endeavors if we do say so ourselves.