Jeff Gordon Test Drive Scares The CRAP Out Of Salesman!

Jeff Gordon Test Drive Scares The CRAP Out Of Salesman!
Have you ever seen a grown man come within inches of tears? That was nearly the case when Jeff Gordon got dressed up in a disguise as “Mike” and took a poor, unknowing salesman on the ride of his life!
When trying to sell a Chevrolet Camaro to Mike, this salesman was under the impression that his customer had never driven anything with power before. When they get out on the road, it was time to use this misinformation to pull off the prank go throttle down and scare the life out of him!
Check out the video below as this salesman gets quite the scare when Gordon puts on the driving display of a lifetime to pull off one heck of a prank! The salesman’s end reaction is priceless!