Jeff Lutz Announces Return to Drag Week “One Last Time” With Overall Record in Sights

When it comes to Drag Week, the event is nothing short of an incredible challenge. The journey takes drivers through a heck of a challenge. Not only do they have to post incredible numbers. After posting these, numbers, though, the drivers need to hit the streets. Instead of having a truck and trailer filled with tools to get them around, the cars have to be driven from track to track. Sometimes, the journey can span up to 1000 miles in between races.
It has been a few years since Jeff Lutz has seen the racing surface at a Drag Week event. However, he has announced that he will be giving it one final go. This year, we saw Tom Bailey take home Drag Week’s quickest pass, pushing his way into the 5s. However, Lutz would like to take on the challenge of making it through the week with a 5-second average. This means that he’ll have to stay on his game throughout the week, delivering record-breaking material at every track.[0]=68.ARC41Dk1q1wKLIx9HoHZBewwv7CCEM3k7Zt_td8a8yIGo5cGVUMG1Xlt1LqKb26hgPauglZ7bHJKclgl5oKZz4KYC32BDkRunvJQFyDxXPywUJ_x74rImnWoB-n0mQI4b-tY5i-xKArP9E_YLzUOUMfY3fCeV6rJ9Fpqo2crcFMGMtn6xDEv9HfGYTCfw-0jXbCrfQBIEMK5dzIj4Qe-GA6p-7ZPQwIbi_99UzCUOBOtpOOvi_yOklBgDjKQQc_WTo5A9IdfLi7OPZkECkDHoj1KT5IvN5JxGUpI3vFx5-xPvv3GzoasEHuZUOxd8k7a1IcbA2D99bTIYAs8zAevFt4dXr3-34tlzTgVyFqlG0Zp2DE-sKyj4pUmP4Jn_E-4o9E&__tn__=-y.g
Lutz recalls his current personal best to be a 6.19-second average. As it sits, that’s the lowest average in the history of the event. However, he thinks that he can do much better. In fact, in an interview, he says that “I know I can go much faster than that.”
He does say that this will be his last Drag Week so the pressure is on to see if he can make magic happen once again. In the course of the event, we never know what might come to life. Around every corner, there could be a hazard lurking, ready to throw a curveball at the drivers. The event has certainly proven that it can be one to make drivers work overtime. If there’s one person that we know can take it on, though, it’s Jeff Lutz.