Elon Musk Hints Tesla Roadster Will be Much Faster Than Advertised, Joe Rogan Podcast

In the days of COVID-19, there are certainly question marks about how the future is going to pan out. Surely, at a minimum, many projects are going to have to be rescheduled. This is something that’s especially prevalent in the world of racing right now. However, just about everything that could be placed on a calendar is likely to be pushed back.
One of the releases that we’ve certainly been waiting on is that of the Tesla Roadster. With very high promises, the car prides itself on being a performance monster. Some of the numbers released almost seem like they’re too good to be true. However, if there is an individual who we think could follow through on something that seems too good to be true, it would be Elon Musk.
Recently, Musk found his way to the Joe Rogan podcast to talk about a little bit of everything. One of the topics that popped up was that of the Tesla Roadster. As a good host will do, Rogan tries to learn a little bit more about what we can expect from the car. Without trying to pry too much, Rogan tries to peel back the covers.
Naturally, Musk declines to get into specifics. These are things that should probably be handled with a proper release.
However, Elon did drop a couple of nuggets about what we can expect from some of Tesla’s upcoming products. The one that really stuck out to us the most was the fact that the advertised numbers that we’re hearing about aren’t as fast as the Tesla Roadster is going to go, when all is said and done. Instead, the already astronomical performance figures for the car will simply be attributed to the base model. What’s beyond that is anyone’s guess.