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Lamborghini Gallardo Getting DIRTY In The Backyard

Lamborghini Gallardo Getting DIRTY In The Backyard

Many of our readers will cringe at the sight of this Lamborghini Gallardo video, you’ve been warned! The guys at Brakim Racing plan building a “proper racecar” out of this Lamborghini, so in the name of one last hurrah for the stock car, they did what you’ll see below.

Watch as they take the supercar and tear through a field, throwing dirt and gravel all over the place during their offroad drifting display which simultaneously makes the stomachs of the purists churn!

You can watch the action in the video below, if you feel up to it that is… Just rest assured knowing that the car is about to be stripped down and refinished anyway!

This may seem like a bad idea, but the guys at TaxTheRich do this all the time! Check out their Rolls Royce offroad display below!
