Land Rover Fans Can Now Upgrade Their Classic Defender With Factory Suspension Upgrades

In the vast majority of cases, once a car is out the door from the dealership, there isn’t much upgrading to be done through the manufacturer. Most times, the vehicle will be optioned out how it’s optioned out and that’s it. Anything that is to be changed would probably be done by the owner of the vehicle. Every once in a while, we see upgraded parts pop-up available straight from of vehicle’s manufacturer. However, we’re hard-pressed to find another situation where the manufacturer provides support for an older vehicle like this.
While the newer Land Rover models have fallen into the lap of luxury, it appears as if they have not forgotten their roots. In a new program, the company is planning to start pumping out parts for their older Land Rover Defender models. The goal here, they say, it is to deliver enhanced performance and on-road agility. This will come in the form of wheels, suspension, braking, and engine upgrades that are inspired by Defender Works V8.
Via the Land Rover Website, “All parts [are] designed, approved and tested to Land Rover manufacturer standards, covered by Land Rover’s standard aftermarket parts and accessories warranty.”
For those looking to get their hands on these parts, look no further than the Jaguar Land Rover Classic Parts website. Some of these upgrades consider models all the way back to the 1994 model year. We have to admit that we like the idea. Perhaps if it catches on, other manufacturers will follow suit. How cool would it be to have an OEM parts catalog for something like an old Mustang or Camaro?
Land Rover could be on to something big here! Only time will tell how it pans out. If we had an old school Defender, we know that we would be taking a look into the catalog.