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The Most Intense Crash To Date – Twin Turbo Lexus ISF Goes Airborne (Throwback)

If there’s one thing that you might want to avoid while traveling at speeds on the drag strip, it would be catching any sort of air at all. When rolling at those speeds, if something were to happen, there probably wouldn’t be too much that a driver could do. The only option is to hang on and hope that momentum does well by him or her! Steering is probably at a premium should your ride happen to lift off in such a terrifying situation.

This time, we’re not just talking about lifting the tires a little bit. Instead, the entire car lifts all fours off of solid ground and into a clench-worthy situation. This one might just raise your blood pressure up a couple of points. This is most certainly one that will make you drop everything that you’re doing and give your undivided attention to this monster as it soars through the air!

When Khalid Mohamed hops behind the wheel of the then Ekanoo Lexus, there’s no denying its power. The car rockets down the airstrip for a high-speed pass but ends up lifting up and going sideways. It’s not just an average wreck though as, instead of hitting the wall on the ground, the car goes wild. It’s at this point that it begins to fly. Before we know it, the car is soaring over the wall in an absurd display. There was absolutely nothing Mohamed could do to prevent the situation.

If we follow the video below, it captures the entire run from start to finish. Luckily, Khalid walked away without serious injury. The car, however, was torn up pretty bad on the wild ride. This driver should consider himself lucky because this one looked like it could’ve ended a whole lot worse. Even though this happened over four years ago, this might be one of the craziest wrecks we’ve ever seen.