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Lion Surprises Tourists, Rides Shotgun In Safari Vehicle

Every once in a while, you stumble upon a situation that makes you watch and bite your lip in stress, wondering how it’s all going to pan out. Sometimes, these once in a million situations come to life as the unlikeliest of circumstances come together and call for quite the scene. This time, we see exactly that as a group of people went on a safari ride to get a little bit closer to nature and would end up getting a lot closer than I’m sure they anticipated as they went about half way and nature decided to come that other 50% in order to give that all-inclusive experience.

As this tour vehicle would make its way through what looks like some sort of preserve and would roll up next to a lion in order to observe the creature in its natural habitat, the lion decides that it’s not about to just lay there and let the people watch but instead, decides that it’s going to hop up and really give these people their money’s worth as it seems like the majestic animal would like to get a closer look at the humans. Normally, you’d think that this would be a cause for concern but it doesn’t seem like the lion is aggressive as it’s just looking for a little bit of attention!

If you follow along with the video down below, you’ll be able to catch up with the moment that this beast rose to life, probably giving these folks a little bit of a scare but eventually showing that there was no threat, after all. Based on the location, it looks like this lion might just have some sort of training but even in that situation, it still has to be quite the rush to get that up close and personal with such a large animal that’s capable of well, whatever it decides that it wants to do!