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Logan Paul Jumps Over a Lamborghini… Dangerous!

Just imagine this situation. Let’s say you’ve become an entertainer, amassed pretty much all the money you’d ever need, and have a day to hang out with your friends. What’s better to do than to break out the Lamborghinis alongside the cameras and have a little bit of fun with them in the process? This time, we check out just that scenario as our host at Vehicle Virgins takes the liberty of spending a day with Logan Paul, the star who has been given life thanks to the Vine platform, as they take the liberty of thinking up a concoction of elements that could potentially make a viral video.

So, off to the races we go, following along in a day of fun with a couple of people who you might just happen to recognize and their rides that are really to die for. I mean who wouldn’t like to have a kicked back and relaxed day like this, just thinking of things that you can do with your high dollar rides, filming it all to bring back home and slap on to the internet to make even more loot!

Follow along in the video below to see exactly what this group comes up with. Somewhere along the way, we watch as Logan takes a chance at jumping over a pair of Lamborghinis. It’s not really clear if he’s actually doing it or if it’s some type of film magic but either way, it really had us glued to the screen as we watch and wait to see what happens next. If you were put in a position where you had a couple of insane machines like this and were tasked with making a viral video, what would your video look like? Do you think that you would take the risk that’s involved in jumping over one of the speeding machines?