Making Waves: The Ultimate Streetworthy Boat Car

Making Waves: The Ultimate Streetworthy Boat Car
You love boats and cars, why not have both wrapped up in one seamless package? While it doesn’t necessarily float, this thing definitely turns heads everywhere it goes.
This man has taken his love of the sea and turned a sunken Sea Ray into a 100% street legal and drivable vehicle after his wife made him a bet that he wouldn’t be able to do it.
After about $10,000 and the use of a GMC Jimmy, we would say that Mark did a bang up job of making his vision become a reality. He’s even been offered $30,000 for the boat car, but says that it isn’t going anywhere soon!
Check out the video below as we dive into exactly what went into making this unique creation a success. What do you think of the unique build?
This 6×6 amphibious vehicle will go just about anywhere you can imagine.