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Man Eating Lunch Ends Up With A Surprise Lamborghini In His Lap

Life can be a really strange thing sometimes. One moment, you can be going about your day and everything may seem to be normal as you just sit down to eat lunch and the next, well, something crazy could just be dropped on you that has the power to change your life forever. This is a part of what makes life interesting and certainly mixes up the day-to-day for most of us. While most of the time, nothing drastic happens on the majority of days, some days get much different than others and make for a noteworthy afternoon.

For the individual pictured in this video, I would be inclined to think that he had such a noteworthy afternoon, worthy of telling at least a couple of friends if not making a Facebook post dedicated to exactly what happened to him that day. It seems as if the man was simply sitting there eating his lunch, when all of a sudden, a Lamborghini wanted to come rolling from down the street and right into his lap, pretty much.

The car was slow moving and didn’t seem to do any damage to the guy eating lunch who had time to move his table out of the way or the car itself. It really looks like somebody just forgot to do something as simple as put the car in park or engage the emergency brake as it rolled down the street with no owner in sight. In fact, it actually seemed to be quite a sizable amount time before the owner of the car found it, relieved that not much damage was done.

The video below shows the moment as it was captured by a security camera and everybody on the scene was freaking out and taking pictures! Luckily, nobody was injured and everybody on the scene will now have a story to tell. Unfortunately for the owner of the car, it does look like they were a little bit embarrassed but I’m sure that’s a welcome side effect compared to what could have happened!